Chiropractic is a health science that is concerned with the proper function of the nervous system as it relates to the body as a whole. They try to ensure that the nervous system is free to function at its best. Chiropractors understand that the body regulates its various mechanisms through a delicate balancing process that depends on the nervous system to communicate information between the brain and other organs. When something interferes with that communication, pain and illness can result. The most common problem that can cause interference in the nervous system is misalignments of the spinal column. Chiropractors correct these misalignments to restore proper nerve function so that the body can heal itself naturally. During school, students learn how to use nonsurgical health treatments such as spinal adjustments with hand and finger manipulations, and other therapies such as exercise, water, light and heat. Chiropractors are not permitted to prescribe drugs. They may however, take diagnostic x-rays as a part of their treatment methods.
To become a chiropractor, one must obtain a Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) and a state license. To be admitted into a D.C. program, at least 90 semester hours of coursework at a college or university is required in courses such as: biology, chemistry, physics, liberal arts, and other laboratory sciences. A bachelor’s degree is not required to enter a D.C. program, however, most applicants have a bachelor’s degree.
The D.C. program takes 4 years to complete. The first two years includes coursework in anatomy, physiology, and similar subjects. This is followed by clinical rotations. Students are also trained in spinal manipulation and diagnosis. There are currently 15 accredited institutions awarding D.C. degrees.
For licensure, a chiropractor must pass a three-part test administered by The National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. Licensure is maintained by taking a required number of continuing education hours each year.
Most Doctors of Chiropractic set up their own practices, associate with an established doctor, or buy an existing practice from a doctor who wants to retire or move. One of the main advantages of private practice is freedom of choice. The Chiropractor is able to choose where to open an office, what hours to keep, and which employees to hire. Salaries vary depending on location, individual motivation, and skill. Job growth is projected to increase by 28% between 2010 & 2020.
Chiropractic Association of Louisiana
10636 Timberlake Drive
Baton Rouge, LA 70810
Phone (225) 769-5560